Portland beating the shit
out of Miami right now.
They beating the dog shit out of them.
By like twenty-something points.
That shit honestly don't surprise me,
to be honest.
It don't.
It don't because that shit with Jimmy,
that shit over with, man.
They ready to move on.
They ready to get up out of there.
That gotta be just a
toxic-ass environment to go
into every day, knowing...
the person who run the squad
don't want your ass though
he's sick of you right oh
man pat raleigh is sick of
jimmy but last man straight
up I heard like all like
the heat legends are like
mad at jimmy right now like
tim hardaway I don't know
about lonzo yeah I mean
that's what I heard I don't
know what's true it's not true
I can see Alonzo more than
being – I can see him being
mad at Jimmy Butler for sure.
I can definitely see that.
I can definitely see Tim Hardaway because,
like, man, they live and die for, like,
that heat wave.
Yeah, they live for that shit, bro.
Like, they – whenever I see, like,
Tim Hardaway on podcasts, man,
he always – even though he
played other places,
he played in Golden State first.
I feel like that's what, like,
most people remember him for, like,
run TMC.
man he was cold like he was
good with the heat but man
he was with he was with
golden state man he was
really that really that
dude for real oh yeah um
the elephant in the room
wally the producer of the
show first of all wally is
welcome wally to the saint
create media media family
let's start there first uh
I was gonna announce that
today but do it on here but
Wally's on both shows on the network.
He's on Uncommon Commentators.
That's our NBA show,
and he's on this show as well.
But Lo is sick.
A little guy got her sick,
so she's under the weather this evening,
so Wally is filling in for her.
This will still be a great show, Wally.
If you come to our playbacks,
Wally's in our playbacks as well,
so this is going to be a great show.
I don't know what I was saying before.
I saw your question.
I don't even know what I was
talking about before that.
But, yes, welcome, Wally, man.
Wally is a good dude.
He's a great addition to the
team for sure.
Now, Wally, let the people know, man,
where you came from.
We haven't talked about this enough.
Introduce you.
Do your own introduction.
Do your thing.
Yes, I am...
I am producer Wiley,
as I will call myself on this show.
Um, man, I thought first off,
I appreciate it because
freaking stumbling upon y'all show, man.
I, of course, Twitter being Twitter, like,
you know,
looking for more content and
just people to connect with and not,
you know, Jay popped up.
I do not know how Jay popped
up on my timeline.
Jay popped up on my timeline
and it was promoting this show.
And I was like, cool.
Cause my thing was I wanted to,
I wanted to find, you know,
someone who was talking about, uh, more,
more so about the W just
trying to help myself out with,
with the podcast that I've
been doing for the last
couple of years with, uh, with my cohost.
Uh, and that's Aries talking sports, but,
you know, for, of course,
God works in mysterious ways.
Jay pops up on the timeline
promoting the show.
I hop in the live show and I was like, oh,
okay, bet.
You know,
I see y'all in low doing y'all
thing and me being me, I'm just, you know,
just commenting, just commenting,
supporting the show.
And it just became a thing after that.
And so what got me here was
Jay mentioned about, Jay had posted about
the uncommon commentators at
the time and was looking for podcasters,
but I guess not knowing if
Antoine and Garrett, shout out to them,
if they were coming back.
So I commented, you know,
he didn't necessarily respond,
so I DM him.
Hey, man,
you still looking for podcasters?
No, but do you want to produce?
I mean,
I never really produced outside of
my own stuff.
But, you know, my thing is,
if you help me along the way,
I got you out.
You know, I do what I know.
I do what I do.
And here I am.
So, again,
it's just grateful to come across Jay,
come across Nick, you and Lo,
be able to just be me.
And that's really how I got here.
It was just me,
me and me being in the comments.
I think y'all making me the
moderator for the live shows that like,
that was cool.
Cause I was like,
I didn't expect it again.
It was just me being me and having fun.
Oh yeah, man.
When I, yeah.
I just realized today when you said
it that you met me through
playback or you met me through internet,
like through playback and
through Twitter like that.
And I forget that's how we even met,
but it's like just being yourself.
I've been trying to tell people, man,
just being yourself and
just being a true person.
Don't be trying to be
something you're not.
Good things gonna happen.
Like you gonna meet good people.
You gonna come across good people.
You just be yourself.
You know what I'm saying?
That's how I met Nick.
That's how I met Lowe.
That's how I met you.
You know what I'm saying?
Garrett, Antoine,
like when you just be
genuine and you don't be
looking for stuff in return.
you're going to meet good
people regardless.
I'm glad I met you, man.
It's just like another brother I ain't got,
You know what I'm saying?
It makes it easier.
It makes it easier to talk about sports.
We have a goal.
You know what I'm saying?
I've told y'all this, not live,
just in text messages,
but the fact that y'all...
It's one thing that Raina,
and who don't know, Raina's my wife,
but she believe in me and
what I'm trying to do.
That's one thing when it's your wife,
but then it's like
I got more people.
I got y'all, Nick, Wiley, Lowe, Garrett,
and Antoine.
Like, to believe in me,
that's going to make me even keep going.
Like, because y'all here,
that lets me know because
ain't nobody getting paid yet.
You know what I'm saying?
But we here like we are.
You know what I'm saying?
So that makes me feel good.
That makes it easier for me
to do whatever I have to do
to keep growing this
company and keep getting to
the next level.
So I appreciate y'all, man.
For real.
So it's...
What up, man?
What up, Jazzy?
What's good with you?
But, like you see, Lo ain't here tonight.
Lo not here, man.
I've been not believing
because Lo not here now.
I know a lot of
motherfuckers be here just for Lo.
And I ain't gonna lie, Lo is great.
Lo is great.
You know what I'm saying?
We ain't gonna take that away from her.
But we got to do her thing, man.
We got to do her thing.
Yeah, no, for sure.
No, dead ass.
But we got to – and Raina
said she appreciates y'all too, man.
She appreciates y'all.
Shout out, Raina.
Have not – have yet to meet – look,
have yet to meet Raina.
But shout out to Raina.
I'll tell you,
Raina – Raina talks shit to you too,
but Raina – Hey, listen.
I'm here for it.
Nah, she talks cash shit, but man, man,
she sweet as pie though, for real.
We came for David Ruffer and we still,
but we will stay for Otis.
I like that.
I like that.
Low Jordan, she David Ruffer.
She got David Ruffer.
She Michael Jackson and shit.
You're right, she Mike,
you know what I'm saying?
She Michael Jackson and shit.
I'll be the name, fuck it.
You going to be Jermaine?
I'll be Jermaine.
I feel you, man.
I would go snatch Jermaine while you can,
for real.
But, man, even though she here, man,
prayers to her, man.
She ain't like – I don't
want to say prayers like
she on her deathbed, but, you know,
little kid germs is the worst, man.
When she told me he was sneezing,
when he was sneezing,
you can't escape the sneezing.
Like anything else you can –
when they sneeze on you,
It's a wrap.
It's coming.
In a matter of time,
you're going to get sick.
And when she said that, I'm like, yeah,
it's a wrap.
But we still have a great show.
We got a lot of stuff we're
going to go over.
We got college basketball
stuff coming up this weekend.
We're going to talk about, we got,
I'm going to talk to y'all
about my experience in
Bloomington going to cover USC, Indiana.
but at first uh but at first
we're going we also got
wmba free agency starting
today we got our rival
we're going to talk about
but uh man welcome but
everybody who's coming in
welcome to episode of the
best damn w show and y'all
uh y'all fans I'm gonna
call y'all fans because
that's how y'all been
acting man like y'all
really be supporting that's
what fans do y'all support
man so it's like I love
that man people will be on
twitter talking about top five podcasts
the best crew out there, man.
That's love.
That means y'all really locked in with us.
Y'all really be here with us.
And we're not even a year old.
We only got twenty three episodes.
We started in August.
And there's a lot of stuff
that's happening.
We got a lot of stuff going on.
it's just coming in in the future
that we're going to be
doing different things,
interactions with y'all.
So it's just, man, I appreciate it.
More playbacks.
We're going to do it.
I'm going to have playbacks
going all the time.
Regardless if we up there or not,
playbacks are going to be going.
Because women hoops still
are just hard to watch.
It's places people don't have.
So, man, if I can't help out,
I'm going to do that.
If we're going to help out,
we're going to do that.
So, like I said on the playback yesterday,
we got a March Madness thing coming up.
We're going to do that, a challenge.
The top three are going to win prizes.
We got playback on this Thursday for –
U.S., not U.S.C., South Carolina, LSU.
Yeah, we got that.
It's going to be some shit
talking in the group chat.
It's going to be some shit
talking in the group chat.
Well, not the group chat, but in the chat.
In the chat, not the group chat, but...
What else we got going?
On arrival,
we're going to be played every
time on Monday, Friday, and Saturday.
I think we're going to pull
up on Friday or Saturday.
I don't know which one,
even though we're going to
be there on Thursday.
But just stay tuned, man.
We're going to be all over the place.
So we out here grinding, working,
and giving you all this good content,
this stuff we want to talk about in hoops,
So we're going to get this
shit started with... Before
we get started... Oh, go ahead, go ahead,
go ahead.
Real quick.
For the people that pull up
to the unrivaled,
especially unrivaled and stuff like that,
don't be afraid to chat it up.
Shout out to Kid.
Kid, when I did the one by myself,
Kid kept going, kept commenting.
So we encourage that.
So please, like, if you come,
you come and you watching, you know,
you watching the lives, hit us, you know,
comment, man.
We, we gonna, we gonna chat.
Hey, we gonna talk to you.
We gonna talk to y'all.
Like y'all see, no.
As Thomas.
Oh yeah.
Shout out Tom.
Shout out Tom, man.
Our Australian friend, man.
Shout out to him.
Shout out to him big time.
No, yeah.
No, we're not going to Australia no more.
That's his fault.
If y'all in the playback, y'all know why.
Y'all know why we ain't
going to Australia no more.
Well, it's not on my list.
It was high up.
But talking to Tom, it's very low now.
It's down the rankings.
I ain't got time for that shit no more.
The shit he was talking about.
You got to trust the locals of places.
When a local tell you what's going on,
you got to trust them.
You can't think they lying at all.
But, yeah, you know Tom.
See, yeah,
if you're in the women's hoop
community and you're on Twitter,
you know Tom.
You definitely know Tom.
Tom is a very interesting character.
I'll say that.
But he's our guy.
He's one of our biggest fans.
So, no, we appreciate him.
For real.
No, dead ass.
Straight up.
But, man, let's get into it, man.
We're going to week one of Unrivaled.
It was fun.
It was a lot.
It was successful to us.
Um, a lot of numbers came out, but man, um,
it was so much hype going
into like the media week and everything.
Like people was at first,
everybody was like overall,
like the announcements,
We didn't want to see that shit no more.
We was done with it.
But once everybody started
flying down there, they were setting up,
all the content and shit was going up.
It was Nick first.
I was like, man,
I'm kind of excited for this shit now.
And then after he said it, I'm like, damn,
this shit is kind of lit now.
But once it started, man, it was fun.
Y'all was coming out for the playbacks,
Y'all was showing out for those.
But, man, Nick, man,
how you feeling about the
first week so far, man?
I mean, I'll say this, man, you know,
especially over the past, like,
two to three weeks, man, you know,
with all the content that
they've been posting,
they've been building up
the anticipation for this
league because it was really a dry spell,
like, last summer because it was, like,
they were posting a new
player that was entering the league, like,
every day or every other day.
And then it was this and that.
So, like, during the summertime,
I remember we were talking, like, man,
like, a route was all over the place,
I don't know to really trust this league.
But, like I say, you know,
when they start posting –
like, just pictures in a locker room.
They're posting, like,
practices and stuff.
We were like, okay, cool,
this might be something.
And I got to say, week one delivered.
Like, the first game delivered.
the first game between the Luma Owls
and the Mists, like,
that was what showed me, like, okay,
now this league is going to be for real,
And since then, you know,
we've seen every team pretty much,
pretty much, you know,
perform at a high level.
I know that there's some
undefeated teams and
there's some teams that
haven't won a game yet,
but through the first three
days of arrival, or four days,
whatever it is,
It's been just absolutely amazing to me,
You know,
probably my two standout teams
that I've enjoyed.
First, I'll start with the Laces,
who are two and oh without Jackie Young.
Jackie Young is such an important
piece of this team.
We all predicted that she
was going to have a really strong season.
I don't know how significant her injury is,
but her missing the first two games,
I hope that she does get back soon.
But it really hasn't been a
problem for them because a
lot of people don't know.
they're winning games by a
twenty-nine point margin.
I went to go check it today.
And they haven't allowed any
team to score fifty points
as of yet this season.
So it shows how great they
are defensively.
Kayla McBride offensively
has just been cooking,
averaging twenty-four and a half a game.
Tip Hayes has been just an
orchestrator on the offensive end,
just being able to create
for herself and for others.
And then you got other players as well,
like A.T., honestly.
Like, to me,
I still don't know why people
get in the way whenever A.T.
runs downhill.
Alyssa Thomas, I'm talking about.
Man, yo.
He ran over Jewel last night, bro.
But no, I was...
But that's the thing.
When I was watching their
first game against the –
who did they play?
They played the – I think
they played Rose.
Or no, excuse me.
I think they played Phantom.
They played Rose.
The Laces.
Who, Vinyl?
Or Laces?
Who did they play first?
I think they played Phantom, yeah.
It was Phantom.
They beat the shit out of them.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, that was the blowout.
But I was watching his team, and I'm like,
This team could really be
like one of the top teams in the league,
like just the way that they play.
You know,
they play a fun style of basketball.
They shoot the ball really well.
All their players scored in
double figures in that game.
Like all six players came
off the bench and had like twelve,
thirteen points.
So they they have a lot of
offensive weapons on the
team and on top of that,
they're getting after defensively.
And I think that's probably
the most important thing.
And then the next team that
I've been really impressed
with is the Lunar Owls,
who are also two and oh.
I mean,
obviously Schuyler had the two game
The first game winner was really,
was really special to watch, man.
You know,
especially with everything that's
been going on, you know,
with Schuyler and Seattle and everything,
you know, it's good to see her strong,
but I got to give it to them.
Like Nafisa Collier is
playing at a different level, honestly.
And it's kind of crazy
because you see one of the
owners playing at a high
level and Nafisa Collier,
then the other owner,
Brianna Stewart has kind of
gone off to a slow start.
I don't know if we'll dive
into a little bit of that later,
but fees average at twenty
nine points and eight and a
half rebounds throughout
the first two games.
Like, I don't know, like, if there's, like,
an MVP list so far
throughout the first week,
but it's got to be by far a
defeat to Collier, honestly.
I mean, like I said, I mean,
Skyler's averaging around fifteen a game.
Alicia Gray has been a
really great contributor, you know,
on both ends of the floor.
She's averaging around eighteen points.
the Lunar Owls getting off to a hot
start was actually really impressive.
And even heading into that first game,
I mean, you know,
I want to say they were
down in that matchup, like,
throughout most of the game
against the Mists because
Jewel got off to a really strong start.
Dejanay had really good defensive moments.
So just for them to just be
able to show resiliency and
just be able to come back
in that game was just really impressive.
And then that momentum
continued into the next day as well.
And then, I mean,
there's some other teams as well.
I mean, obviously,
Vinyl's been playing at a
really high level.
Vinyl might be one of the
most talented teams, honestly.
When you talk about Enrique Agumov,
you talk about Ryan Howard,
you talk about De'Arica Hamby,
who has been cooking in the
pick and roll for them.
same thing with players like Aliyah
Boston as well.
Like vinyl is super talented, honestly.
I mean, and they're, they're,
they're going to be another one.
One of those teams is going
to be competing for a title
this year as well.
Um, I mean, I know that there's, yeah,
I know there's a couple of
teams that are owing to right now.
Like Rose is owing to, honestly,
even though they're owing to,
I do give them some credit
because they were down in
double digits in both of their games.
It still found a way to make a comeback.
So, I mean,
obviously when you have Chelsea ground,
your team,
you have Kalia copper and then
you have angel Reese.
Like, obviously, you know,
when you look at that roster,
they should be fine.
I'm also just – I'm
expecting Aja Reese to cook this year.
I'm sorry.
when you're playing with great
playmakers like Chelsea Gray, you know,
Kaz, a really great ball handler,
a playmaker,
Brittany Sykes coming off the bench,
there should be no reason
why Aja Reese is not averaging at least,
like, a good amount of points, maybe,
like, at least, sixteen, eighteen a game,
I mean, and it's pretty much – I mean,
she can pretty much get her
points off of pick and roll,
off of rim runs.
All she has to do is find a
way to get open because
Chelsea Gray is so dynamic
where she's going to drop
multiple bodies.
Kalia Cobber the same way,
especially when she penetrates.
there should be no reason why Angel
Reese is not dominating, honestly.
I mean, look,
she's averaging a
double-double throughout
the first two games,
but we should definitely
expect a better Angel Reese
if you ask me moving forward, honestly.
But, I mean,
that's just going to come with time,
But overall thoughts on
rivaled is week one is not disappointing.
I mean, there's been great teams,
great players, honestly.
And I'll be real, man.
I mean,
I'm blown away throughout this
first weekend of a rival, I must say.
I am too, man.
How about you, Wiley?
No, I'm, of course, shoot, I've been,
as much as we, like you said earlier,
as much as they hyped it up,
as much as we hyped it up, like,
I'm sitting here like, yo, I am,
I'm ready for it, like,
to see all of the players that, you know,
that agreed to play the teams that
how they were although some
of these teams that the way
they were built I'm sure
they wish especially the
trades I'm sure those
trades that happened right
before the right before it
started I'm pretty sure
they kind of have some uh
buyer's remorse but uh
overall like yeah for sure
yeah yeah but uh week one
week one's been nothing but
but good ball outside of
Outside of the one game that we watched,
man, that was rough.
Freaking smoke layup after smoke layup,
bad shot after bad shot.
But also, again,
if you were there for the
game and for the live, of course,
you know we got the jokes off.
And we came up with our
so-called theory as to why
so much bad shooting may
have possibly been going on.
Oh, yes.
We think they went out last
night or the night before, boy.
Isn't it lit, boy?
Because it was.
They were looking tight.
They were looking gas a
little bit out there, man.
I mean, that's why I told people, like,
three-on-three is different.
Like, it's constant movement.
Like, your condition has to be top tier.
Like, if you watch, like, honestly,
I think what made me realize it was,
I don't know if people remember,
but during the WNBA
All-Star Weekend at Phoenix
this past year, they had, like,
a little three-on-three
tournament with the Team USA players.
And I just saw how they were
constantly moving.
it was pretty much like sticking with
your defender.
Like, even after a bugger,
they had to continue to move on.
There was no inbound in the basketball.
And that was different.
Yeah, that's half court.
Now they got a full court.
I mean, I know it's not a full court.
You know, it's condensed, but still.
that's still full court three on three,
That shit,
I can imagine doing no shit like that.
And I think that's the best
part about this league,
the fact that it's three on three,
it's full court.
And like they've been saying before,
even Brendan, when he came on,
you can't hide on defense.
You have to,
you got to be able to move your feet.
who was it that said she had never
done so much backpedaling?
Oh, Big Steph.
Big Steph said that.
Mama Steph, boy.
She said,
I ain't never done this much
backpedaling before.
And you can just see it out there, man.
Like Jazzy said,
BG had to regret in full court.
Oh, boy.
You know, she runs slow already.
She tall, tall, long, all of the above.
And trying to get up and down that floor,
I know she's regretting every bit of it.
I agree with that comment, honestly.
But I'll say this, too, though.
Like, you know,
them continuing to build
the conditioning here in Unrivaled,
they're going to be ready for the W. Oh,
It comes around.
That ain't going to be nothing to them.
No, it's not.
It's not because, like,
you could just tell.
Because you could tell Angel
would look gassed out there a little bit.
Like, the bigs are gassed.
The guards that they find.
I ain't seen too many guards
that look like they are gassed.
Like, they ready for this.
But the bigs look like.
And on top of that, honestly,
and on top of that,
some teams play back-to-back.
I can only imagine.
People are like,
that's less than twenty four hours, too,
because they play Friday
night and Saturday afternoon.
So that's less than twenty four hours.
You have to play another game.
That was crazy.
Rose did have to play at
night and then in the afternoon.
that's a crazy night day back to back
like that.
So I think week four really
things really heat up.
I really think people don't get their
legs under them.
And we're really going to see,
I think like in this next, when is it,
when is it in, in March?
So we got like the next couple of weeks,
I think people needed this
first week because I know during like the,
during the media weekend of
pressers availability and
people was asking players like,
How does it feel being like
– but all they had was like a scrimmage.
All they had was practice.
You know what I'm saying?
But now,
listen to some of the pressers
since the games have started.
They're like, okay,
now we know what to expect.
They know how to adjust.
Pull that comment back up, Wally.
I was going to say,
pull that comment back up,
the one that was about Stewie.
Stewie said she ain't
touched the ball since the championship.
They definitely got to get – See,
that's an issue to me.
I get it.
You know what I'm saying?
I get that.
But when you know, like,
when it's your league and
you know that it's going to start over,
like, another couple months,
you got to be ready.
Like, you know what I'm saying?
I did not know she said no shit like that.
I had no idea she said some
shit like that.
That makes sense because
it's like I mentioned earlier.
It looked like it.
Fia's cooking.
Stewie is still trying to find herself.
Yeah, Stewie look, and she look tired.
Her lateral movement looks
very slow out there.
Like she getting bodied and shit.
So it is, but they are getting used to it.
I hear,
I see a lot of them talking about
the minutes.
Like there's some of them
used to playing so many X
amount of minutes, but now it's like,
you're only playing eight minutes.
You only got so much time to
make an impact.
So they trying to,
Figure out different things.
The coaches are trying to figure out.
You got coaches.
Dwayne never coached.
You got coaches who are just
developmental coaches.
You know what I'm saying?
Handy was trying to – he already talked
about that.
He's trying to get that stigma off of him.
And one thing I did – I had
in my notes that I did want
to watch was seeing how the
first-time coaches was going to look.
And last night,
you kind of see a little
bit like Teaspoon was going against –
who's the coach by Phantom?
I think it's DJ Sackman.
I think that's who it is,
but whoever it was,
was getting coach circles around them.
You know what I'm saying?
So you could just, you could just see it,
but everybody's, but like you said,
I think it was jazz.
You would say,
I think in the next couple of weeks,
you're going to see stuff
coming together.
People got their legs under them.
some of them will probably realize, hey,
we can't be going out like
we think we can in Miami
like this and going back.
You better use them days off
to go out and kick it.
You know what I'm saying?
If you got to play on Monday,
Sunday night is not your night to go out.
You got to play on Friday,
Thursday night is not your
night to go out.
You know what I'm saying?
you got to wait until Saturday night.
You know what I'm saying?
The bottles that you popping,
they better be bottles of
water and not liquid.
I swear.
Yeah, you can't be going.
All that, man.
I be seeing they TikToks and
they reels and shit.
They be out there.
They out there.
They kicking.
They be at the water.
They be doing this and that.
They ain't going to show
everything because they
don't want us on their ass.
You know what I'm saying?
But we can definitely tell.
We know Russ versus I've
been out all night and drinking.
We know.
We know what that shit was like, yo.
It was probably smelling
like tequila in that damn
arena last night, boy.
Coming out of that pool.
I didn't know what it was, but man.
How do y'all feel about Phantom, man?
That's the team.
We know Rose is the one too.
Phantom is the squad.
I feel like there's nothing being said.
What up, King?
Is it King?
Rob, what's good?
What's happening with you?
I feel like
there's nothing good being
said about phantom right
now like rose like we have
like if rose do this and
that they can get it's not
like if rose can do this
they can do this they got
they got good spots phantom
ain't had a good spot yet I
was gonna say I don't know
go ahead marina well no
yeah it's missing uh marina
mabry is that like like is
it that bad to the point where
is her after school that effective
for them?
Because I'm like, you look at the squad,
Brittany Griner, Satu, Sabrina,
Natasha Cloud, Katie, and Natisha Hyman.
Oh, yeah, the shoot was a replacement.
Because the Phantom was
already off to a bad start, right?
Because they lost Kelsey.
They lost Kelsey Plum.
It was already off to a bad start there.
Then you trade away Courtney Williams.
So that's another one.
You get Sabrina.
But Sabrina is not even
going to be there all the time, I think,
because she got prior engagement.
So she's like in and out.
So I don't think she really
that damn focused.
She's not even that damn focused on that.
Satu looking like she still
might be injured.
But he out there just slow as hell.
So, I don't know.
I don't know, man.
They got a coach that never
been a coach before, like a head coach.
You know what I'm saying?
So, it's just – I don't know.
I don't know what Phantom going to do.
I don't even know who their next game
is against.
I need to go look.
I got to schedule it.
Oh, shit.
They played a miss on Friday.
I mean, the miss, oh, and two.
Yeah, oh, and three.
Oh, yeah.
So they put me on.
I think the Mets are going
to beat them for sure.
I'm going to give Phantom
some leniency because even
the game against Vano yesterday,
I thought they had a much
better showing than what
they had against the Laces on Saturday.
They did.
You're right about that.
I will give them that.
They lost it in that third quarter.
That's what it was.
From the third quarter on,
it was just like, all right.
exactly I just think they
got to get better
defensively um honestly
like I think the chemistry
just still isn't there for
them like I mean I think I
think the only chemistry
that chemistry that I
really see is really
between satu and sabrina
but that's because they
play together in college
but they got to find a way
to get others going like I
mean they got katie lou
samuels on the team they
got like quality scores and
quality shooters on the
team that they got to get
going and especially with
sabrina being the primary
playmaker like that's her
that's her job to make sure
that everyone else gets
going as well britney
grinder so I'll do saboli
and everything else and
I don't know.
I was watching the game earlier today,
and I don't know if people
noticed it either,
but it looks to me like
Sabrina had lost weight
since the championship win.
I don't know.
Maybe it's just the uniform.
It might be that, but I was like,
she looks a little skinnier
than what she normally has been.
Maybe I'm just seeing things.
I don't know.
It might have been just the uniform.
Back and look, no.
Anybody in chat,
anybody in chat seeing that?
I got to go back and look at that.
That could be something.
You never know.
People will be trying to get leaner,
you know what I'm saying?
Maybe that might be the case.
That might be the case.
You know what I'm saying?
It could be.
you feel like you're getting too many
People start, like,
they start leaning out
because they've got too
much weight on their body
as they get older.
That could be something, too.
And one thing about yesterday,
they shot fifty one percent
from the field yesterday.
And even though they shot twenty two,
they were still they shot thirty
six percent from three.
Eight for twenty two.
They only went to the line five times.
They shot five free throws
because they were shooting
so many threes.
But I mean, they had a better day.
They were shooting right with vinyl.
Is this that?
I don't know.
They have fourteen turnover.
That's the game right there.
taking better care of the basketball.
I think their defense has to get better.
But, I mean,
it's hard to stop a team like
Vinyl who has so many offensive weapons.
De'Erica was eating off the pick and
roll every time.
It was a high ball game with Arike or Ryan,
and then she just rolled to the basket.
Nobody contesting the basket
or nobody's protecting the rim.
That's a three-on-three
experience that she has,
especially from the Olympics.
Yeah, that's true.
And then all the people
forget her and Ryan were on that team too,
so that's already chemistry
built right there.
My thing with the,
speaking of the pick and roll,
when Brittany Griner pick and roll,
that shit be so slow after she picked.
I'd be like, yo, at this point,
you got to slip that shit.
You got to just start
slipping those picks.
Because you're wide enough
to make an impact where
they got to figure out if
they want to go over or under.
And as soon as they make that move, slip.
Just go ahead and slip to
the basket at this point.
Because I'm like, you wait until
they, you know,
you set that pick and then
your roll be so fucking slow.
I'm like, girl,
you got to get to the basket.
Because God damn.
No, that is.
No, no, no.
you can't be that slow in
three-on-three full court for sure.
No three-on-three you can.
I don't think she has the quickness,
to be able to really do it effectively.
You know what?
No, you are correct, Megan.
Vinyl looking real solid.
And De'Erica is out there,
like they were saying last
night on playback, mama hand beat.
Vinyl might have the best
offense right now in the league.
Yeah, man.
And you got Teaspoon
coaching her ass off over there, bro.
And she got something to prove.
Yeah, she got something to prove, bro.
She really do.
Like, she coaching her ass off.
Like, Vinyl really –
Really look like they want some of that,
Like, they want, like, yeah,
we want some of this.
Like, they, we here for this.
So, they like, they ready.
They really want to.
Like, their chemistry is good.
Looking at them, like, at practice,
they be always dancing together.
They always doing shit.
So, you know,
that stuff translates to the court.
And you can definitely see it.
They having fun.
But they definitely locked in.
Bjerka is knowing where all the balls
are going.
All the rebounds, she's there.
You know, and she's very strong.
That's what I'm saying.
I was going to say,
people don't realize how strong she is.
She real strong.
She strong as hell, bro.
Last night, she really showed me, like, oh,
shit, she strong as shit, boy.
Like, okay, all right, yeah.
Like, she locked in.
And you know what?
I'm sure she heard people, you know,
people was probably talking
shit about her, too.
She heard people,
because all the stuff with, you know,
the aces,
but also people was saying she
was too old to be the most improved.
You know what I'm saying?
Like, what age I do?
If you improve, you improve.
Yeah, I mean, if you...
If you had a better season
than you did the previous
year and you stood out,
you should be the most
improved candidate.
That's just me.
I don't care.
Yeah, like, who cares about that?
Like, the only time that shit, like,
most improved bothered me is when, like,
shit, like, when somebody, like,
jogged at it.
Like, why he get that?
But I got it, though.
I understood.
Like, I wasn't going to be mad about, like,
go too far.
I'm like, damn, why he get that shit?
Somebody else could have got it.
We knew Ja was going to be that.
But you know what I'm saying?
But outside of that, like, I get it.
people was mad about him beginning it,
but she balled out,
and she really improved.
Damn the age.
You know what I'm saying?
And she's showing it,
and she's showing that
she's going to be ready for
– is she a free agent?
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
Okay, I didn't think she was.
Okay, so she's really going to be ready.
It's going to be fun to see
her again this season
coming up with the Sparks.
And you got – she got Rakia
down there too.
I know they're on the same team,
but I feel like all this is
going to help them,
help that team going
forward because you're
still developing like this.
Then when Cam Brink comes back.
I don't even know if she's going to
come back.
You know how people with ACLs these days,
it'd be like two years
before you see a player again.
So hopefully it ain't that
long since they start back in the summer,
but we'll see.
I want to see Arike step up the D, though,
start leading the Steelers.
Like, hey, I feel that.
I feel that.
I feel that.
Go back and watch Rose
versus Vinyl Hamby with Storm Angel, bro.
I definitely got to go back and watch
Angel ain't ready for De'Arica like that.
Yeah, that's the big issue with Angel.
She's going to get stronger.
Nah, offense is a fact.
That's why I was looking up front.
If you really watch Angel in college,
go ahead, my fault.
No, I was saying,
that was part of the reason
why I was looking into that
game on Friday.
I was like, dang,
Angel got to go up against
De'Arica and Aaliyah Boston?
Yeah, that's rough, bro.
No, that's tough.
That's real tough.
But you also,
if you watch Angel in college,
stuff like that, she's good,
but she's just,
anytime with somebody bigger,
she struggled with that strength, man.
Her legs aren't as strong,
and so she's definitely
going to have to do that in the W to up.
That's why she missed a lot of layups,
She's not that strong like that,
so you bounce, you hit her,
she's going to miss that shit.
And that's the thing, too.
The W is a big league.
So, I mean, you got to be strong.
You got to be ready for
those battles every single game.
You do.
I mean, hell, I mean, you got to think.
She ain't even playing.
I play like Asia Wilson in this league.
You know what I'm saying?
you better take advantage of this shit
for real.
Man, anything else?
The Erica extension is
through the twenty twenty
five season also.
Oh, OK.
Thank you.
Appreciate you.
Just one more thing before
we move on about the Mets.
I think they'll be fine.
I know that they're owing too.
I just think that they got
to really figure out how to
really utilize their players.
I mean,
they got so many offensive talents
like Brianna Stewart, Jewel Lloyd,
but then off the bench,
you got to play like Rekia
Jackson as well.
So it's just all about
utilizing your players and
just really understanding
just certain situations.
But I feel like, I mean,
with the talent alone,
I feel like the Mets will
find a way to turn things around.
I mean, you know,
the first game against the Lunar Owls,
that was a close one.
And then they lost the last one as well.
To me, even though they're only two,
I think they're another
team that will turn it around.
So I'm expecting both the
missed and Rose to be able
to turn it around.
I'm with you on that.
I'm with you, definitely.
We're going to say a prayer.
Yeah, we're going to say a prayer.
We're going to say a prayer
for the Phantom.
Yeah, we are.
We're going to say a prayer.
Speaking of the Phantom, man,
that's a nice segue, man.
Satu, man, free agency started.
And is she going to be in Dallas?
Is she going to be able to leave Dallas?
I don't even know how this shit work, man.
I thought she got core, didn't she?
I thought she did.
Does that mean she's not
going back like Kelsey Plum?
Who else?
Mitchell from the Fever.
Kelsey Mitchell got core.
Satu did.
I'm still... We need Ella
Dawn to go somewhere, too.
I need her to go to the Aces.
I think she's freed from the Mystics.
I think she's freed from there.
I need her to go somewhere, but
Where do you think Satu going to land?
I don't know.
I've been thinking about this.
I haven't been able to
really explore teams, honestly,
but it does seem like, I mean,
once you announce it in the
press that you're not
coming back to the team,
that's pretty much the
writing on the wall.
She did it in a press conference, bro.
I don't know what else.
That's the writing on the
wall right there.
You know what I'm saying?
That's a crazy thing, too.
As far as teams,
it just really all depends
on the situation.
I could potentially see Atlanta
I could see her playing next to Ryan,
playing next to Alicia.
I think it would definitely
create more off-ball
opportunities for both of
them because I think Ryan
is a really great player off the ball.
She'll probably have to
share the ball a little bit
with Jordan Canada,
but it's also about health, too,
because Atlanta was not
healthy at all last year.
Jordan Canada was in and out
of the lineup.
Same thing with Ryan.
I think Ryan missed close to a month.
Even other players as well
was missing time, so
atlanta just got to stay
healthy and I think sato
especially looking at sato
you know who has injury
history and who missed like
more than half the season
last year I mean which you
know which was out of her
control um I mean I mean
it's something to look at I
mean I saw people say veil
everybody always want to
say vegas bro it's so funny
it's like anytime
somebody's a free agent or
somebody paid everyone to
stay in vegas it's just
funny yeah they do they do
honestly I don't might be
good too depending on
what the whole Jewel Lloyd situation is.
I was predicting that she might stay, but,
I mean,
a lot of people are projecting
Chicago's going to be her
next destination,
which I wouldn't be mad at that,
I would love that.
Come on home, Jewel.
We got the money, man.
Chicago got, like,
over nine hundred K in cap space.
They third on the list in cap space.
Yeah, I saw that, yeah.
So, it's like, I don't know.
So, I think Seattle will work.
So, I think Seattle will really work,
Also, Yeah, they got seven,
they got seven hundred K or
some shit like that Seattle do, so.
Yeah, but what's up with the Satu slander?
Like, it's kind of a back-and-forth thing.
Like, at first she was getting praised,
and now she was getting slandered.
I was like – What's slandered?
There's no – I see a lot of
– I know what he's talking about.
Like, on Twitter, there's no in-between.
Either Satu is in that
Stewie Asia fee realm –
And then there's people who are saying,
but then there's people
saying they don't want her
on their team at all.
So I'm like, come on, man.
There's no middle ground
when it comes to Satu.
all the conversations I've been
seeing lately.
So it's like, come on, man.
You know you want to take
her on your team.
If you're putting Satu on
the same tier as Asia, Fee, and Stewie,
please don't talk about it.
I mean, respectfully, I like Satu.
Satu's a great player.
But just respectfully, nah.
But, I mean, you know, I agree with Meg.
I mean, I think Satu is very talented,
I mean, hell,
even when she won most
improved player last year.
Definitely injuries.
I feel like we were just
waiting on that moment
because her career got off
to a slow start just
because of her injuries.
And, you know,
injuries have been just a
big pivotal role in her
career and why she's been held back,
So, Satu in a new situation could work.
And, I mean, I've been saying, you know,
Dallas –
Dallas just seems like
they've just been in the
same place for so long.
I mean, look,
I know that they have the number one pick,
and obviously they're going
to get paid back or something.
That could potentially change things.
But, you know,
Seattle's a team that could
be back in championship contention,
you know, if they get a play like Sato.
I mean, you pair it with Skyler.
You could pair it with Nneka.
You could pair it with Ezzie Magbogor.
Ezzie doesn't get talked about a lot,
But, I mean,
Seattle could be right back there.
I mean, maybe not top three in the league,
but I could definitely see them, like,
get a playoff seed with Satu
on the lineup.
No, that is.
The real question is,
why are former Ducks so injury prone?
What they doing out there in Eugene?
What they doing out there?
They got all that big-ass facility,
and they ain't got the
proper training going on out there.
What's going on out there in Eugene?
You ain't lying.
I ain't even thinking about that.
I've never even thought about that.
Also, with Jazzy, she said, I think,
when Satu played for Germany,
In the Olympics,
people were upset because
she sat out most of the
season for Dallas.
Oh, yeah, I did see that.
I think we actually talked about that,
But she did.
I don't know.
What was her injuries?
I don't even know what she's battling.
What does she hurt?
Nick, do you know?
Meg, you know Jazzy?
What she hurt?
I don't know what she did.
Yeah, I know Meg.
Meg will come with the
information real quick.
Well, she was a former Wings fan.
Now she's a Valkyrie, apparently.
Yeah, yeah, she's a Valkyrie.
You're a Valkyrie fan, boy.
You don't even know how good
they're going to be.
Y'all getting paid.
Hey, she's buying stock early.
What, isn't her injury?
Oh, she's like one of those players.
She's like a... It is, I will say.
She's like an NBA...
She always hurt type shit?
Even despite the injuries,
Satu's still an all-star caliber player,
so I feel like any team
should want to do whatever
it takes to get her, honestly.
How much you would pay for her?
How much I would pay?
Yeah, how much you paying for Satu?
Depends on the organization, honestly.
Yeah, it really does.
And where you...
Is she a person you can
build your team around?
this is who we're going to build
around and win a championship.
It's hard to say, really, right?
If she wasn't injury-prone, I'd say yes.
I would say she is a player
that you can build around.
But you look at the injury-prone type,
it's just tough to, like,
really invest in a player like that.
I mean, hell,
you look at what's happening
in New Orleans with Zion
and how that's turned out, like,
the past six, seven years.
Good God.
Where they put all their
stock on this guy because
he was the biggest star out of college.
He was supposed to take
Brian's spot when he left.
That's not happening.
Yeah, he was.
I think she had solid two as well.
She does hang with Jimmy Butler.
Yeah, you hanging out with Jimmy Butler.
I know you on bullshit.
I don't even know.
That's crazy.
If you was in my playback last night,
you saw my rant about Jimmy Butler,
so you already know how I feel.
Yeah, she do be working out with him.
Oh, yeah, you did, Mitch.
You weren't there yet.
But, like,
when he was suspended for those
seven games,
he was working out with her over there.
But they always be hanging out.
So, yeah, that's – it's hard.
But you just don't know what
you're going to get when
she's coming there.
And I forgot, since Nick did mention that,
that she did mention her
leaving in the press conference.
So it was like, yeah, you are gone.
It's just a matter of how
this is going to work.
um what y'all think what do
you think uh kp gonna land
honestly see this the thing
like I feel like if she
does leave vegas she's
probably gonna have to take
a lesser role than me
because I don't know where
I mean like I mean it's not
like she's one of the top
two options in vegas but I
just I don't know it just
it just all depends on the
situation to me
To me,
I would love to see her stay in Vegas,
honestly, especially, you know, because,
I mean, I'll just be real.
I mean,
the A's is championship running over you.
I don't care if they lost this past year.
It's not.
No, it's not.
I saw a lot of people trying
to write them off after that loss,
and I'm like, yo, like, Aja Wilson,
she just turned, what, twenty-seven,
Yeah, bro.
That's prime.
That's your prime right there.
Like, literally, honestly, man,
but I think the best situation,
for me at least, would
be for her to probably stay
in vegas I see meg says
chicago I wouldn't be mad
at chicago honestly it's
just kp is just so weird
it's like it's like she's
high and she's low at the
same time it's like it's
like she can be a great
player but then she can
also make some crazy
decisions that make you
think like yo what the fuck
was that like you know what
I mean like kb is that type
of player to me but I mean
but I'll be real I mean
she's great honestly I mean
and also also you know by
the way congrats to her for
getting her her jersey
retired at washington
oh yeah was that saturday
that happened I believe I
think that happened on
saturday um I see jessie
said she thinks she's gonna
resign okay okay okay okay
I wouldn't be mad at her
resigning just because of
the fact of the uh the
chemistry that she has with
with vegas but also the
thing about it is that like
okay so let's let's say
hypothetically she does leave like
I feel like the one player
that could potentially
replace her that the Aces
could get is Kelsey
Mitchell out in Indiana.
But if Kelsey is forward in Indiana,
which I'm projecting that
she's going to stay in Indiana too,
especially with the year
that she just had.
And I feel like they're
building something finally there,
you know, because I mean,
she's been there for so
long and it's like, you know,
she had to make the playoffs to this year,
to this past year, I believe.
So where they're building
there with Caitlin,
with Aaliyah and all of them,
I feel like that's probably
the best place for her.
But honestly,
I don't know who the Aces
will replace KP with.
you know, outside of like Kelsey Mitchell.
No, I don't.
I really don't know, man.
I'm still thinking about
what Meg said about her going to Chicago.
It's about KP, man.
I didn't even think about that.
I didn't think about that shit at all.
I mean, it, it, I don't,
I feel like we can't really like, yeah,
she going to start there.
I mean, probably, but it's like,
I can't really like really
look at Chicago until after
the draft to me.
Like once they get there, honestly,
I think that'll really
determine what team we're
going to be looking at this
upcoming year.
Since you said that,
we can talk about Jewel
because everybody got her
connected to Chicago for that third pick.
If you're Chicago,
either one of y'all can answer.
If you're Chicago,
do you offer the tenth pick
first just to see where the
conversation goes?
That's what I'm doing.
I'm offering that tenth
first because if I offer that tenth...
Chicago's not in that
position yet where they
need to risk getting rid of
the third pick to me.
No, seriously.
I mean, Jewel is a great player,
but respectfully,
Jewel is not Asia or Fee.
You know what I'm saying?
Yeah, you give up everything.
You give up the house, shit.
You start with the pick and
let them try and talk you into the third.
Oh, I can see.
Okay, okay.
So let's say Chicago really wants Jewel.
I'm going to give you this
tenth and let Seattle be like, okay, well,
how about this?
It's going to have to be a
back and forth in order for
Seattle to get that third pick.
It's going to have to be
some wheeling and dealing.
It's definitely going to have to be.
just about the Chicago home real quick.
And she talked about the
Chicago facility rackets
facility wise for people
that play in Vegas.
Yeah, it is.
And the fact that,
and the fact that Chicago
haven't even broke ground on,
on building a facility yet.
I don't even know what's
taking them so long to do that.
So if you don't start now,
you damn sure not going to
have it done by next season.
ain't even started you know
what I'm saying like you
should have been started
this so I don't know what's
going on there they go
ahead yeah I don't know
what's going on over there
so but man it's like I
don't know I would love
some I've seen some people
say they think uh I don't
know nick nick I don't know
if you said this but
somebody said they feel
like jewel going back to
seattle I don't know if
that was you I said that you think so
To me, it's like, I mean, I get it.
Chicago, you know,
that's close to home for Jewel.
So I get it.
You know what I'm saying?
You're right next to the crib.
I get that.
But Jewel, to me,
I feel like she should be
better off putting herself
in position to where she
can be in win-now mode.
Chicago is not in that
position whatsoever.
And I don't know if they're
going to be in that
position for at least another, like,
maybe couple years, honestly.
But if she does want to go
based off of just being close to home,
then I'm fine with that.
Or if she just wants to stay
for the development of that franchise,
then cool.
two-time champ like you know
what I'm saying like I
don't think she needs to be
waiting around to like try
to put herself in position
when another one in I feel
like at least to me I mean
we don't know the ins and
outs of the whole seattle
situation but I'm hoping
that it's not that bad at
the point where you're
willing to leave a team
where you do have a better
chance of winning a title
with going to another team
who's still young and in
the rebuilding process me
personally I feel like
I feel like a lot of this
whole situation with Skylar and Jewel,
it really could just be
solved off with just one conversation,
I don't know if it's that bad, honestly.
I know that we heard some
things about Skylar cussing
people out in the locker
room or calling people
names and all that stuff,
but that's your franchise.
You spent your whole career in Seattle.
They look to you as a franchise player,
especially after Stewie
left and after Sue Bird had retired.
They look to you as the next
superstar of this team
yeah honestly I'm not
letting that go honestly
especially when this team
is actually in position to
be a title contender I mean
and even last year as I was
looking at them you know
they had their ups and
downs about things like man
like if they bring this all
together like to me they
got they got one more year
before they really
established themselves as
true title contenders you
got jewel who I know had a
very I mean honestly I mean
we look at jewel honestly I
mean jewel definitely had a
very underwhelming season
I mean, especially, you know,
when you look at the upside down,
especially after like in
the twenty twenty three
season when she led the league in scoring,
it was very underwhelming
to say the least.
But then you still have
Skyler who had a pretty,
pretty solid season,
especially as a playmaker.
I thought Nega had a really good year.
I thought that I thought it
was probably one of her
best shooting years, if you ask me.
And then you still got a young rising star,
Inezi Maguibor.
That was just me, honestly.
I mean, I mean, especially with Jewel.
I mean, Jewel's not young.
I want to say she's like in
her early thirties.
I would want to see her in a
in a position where she can
win at this moment.
I don't want to see her go
to an organization where.
they're about two,
three years away from
really being playoff contenders,
I definitely understand that take,
and I definitely hear you there.
That was my first thing when
people were first bringing up Drew.
I'm like, man,
does Drew actually want to come here?
Because Chicago's not ready
to win right now.
They're a fringe playoff team,
and we still don't know
what's going to happen
without the draft and all that stuff,
So it's like, man, but like you said,
it is her squad.
It could be just one conversation.
They're both down there in Miami.
So it was like,
it could just be one conversation.
I told you we need that one-on-one.
That one-on-one could
possibly solve everything, man.
I'm telling y'all.
You ain't lying, though.
That's box office.
That one-on-one could probably solve it.
It could.
That block that you had on Scholar?
Oh, my God.
You felt it.
It was more to that block.
Heard that block.
You heard the block.
It was more to that block
and everything like that.
So that's going to be interesting to see.
who's some – y'all got any sleeper
free agents that people are
not going to be talking about?
I wanted to touch on this, too,
because the news just broke.
Brittany Griner is going to
test free agency.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
I've been trying to think of
places where she could go.
I don't see her going nowhere else.
I think, to me,
I think Phoenix has got to
– you've got to stay in Phoenix.
I think you just got to stay.
Hold on.
Let me tell, let me,
let me address this shit real quick.
I'm just saying, I just,
I just can't see any other team where,
I mean, look, I mean, Brittany Gratter,
Brittany Gratter, you know,
we all know that,
but it's just hard for me
to really see her like go
to another team and still
be like as effective, honestly.
I don't know.
Honestly, who's going to fit her?
You think about the rosters
and everything like that.
Who has a need for BG?
Is she going to come off the bench?
I don't know.
If it's Indiana,
she's coming off the bench
because she ain't starting
ahead of Leah Boston.
I think she's so far from
her prime to the point.
I can't bring you in and
have you starting over
somebody who's young and
who's really doing their thing.
Phoenix is still a contender, though.
That's the thing.
They are.
They're in the playoffs.
I don't know if she's going to leave.
I think she just wants to
see what her value is.
I think this is just a –
this is probably a money
play to get more money.
Yeah, I think that's probably what it is.
That's probably what it is.
let me just go see what people are
talking about.
She's going to probably go
out there and she's probably like, hey,
man, BG, you ain't –
You still BG.
We're going to respect you,
but you're not like that,
that we're going to move
heaven and earth for you to
come to this team and have
you start over.
Like, yeah, Indiana, like,
you're not starting over
with Leah Boston.
That's dead.
You know what I'm saying?
that's not – that's really not happening.
So, I don't – that's –
I think she's going back.
I definitely think she's
going back for sure.
I mean,
her name is going to – her name
pulls in stuff.
Like, people is going to bring – oh,
you see the headline,
BG going to test free
agency for the first time.
But when you sit back and zoom out, like,
damn, that ain't BG that we thought.
Like, that ain't the same BG from Baylor.
You know,
when she first came to the league,
you know, that's not the same one.
So, I think she stays.
And they also were saying
this is a DT last season.
As well, I saw a report or something.
I think, Nick, you put it in there.
Didn't you put it in the group chat?
Yeah, yeah.
I sent it to you on low, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
So DT going to be, I guess,
he's going to be retiring.
But it's time.
Well, I mean, allegedly.
I don't know it's true.
Yeah, allegedly.
DT might just wake up in April and say,
all right, I'm back.
so if she comes back for this one
last season,
Make sure if you've never seen her play,
go see her, man.
She's still a legend in the game for sure.
She actually had a really
good year last year.
I'll give it to her.
She did.
No, she did.
But she's still averaging what?
She's still averaging .Nineteen,
.Twenty a game, right?
Yeah, around .Eighteen, .Nineteen, yeah.
Yeah, I think she's still doing that.
so I think she's going to come back
one more season.
I think it's a wrap for that.
You get older, man.
You start having kids and shit, man.
You got other shit you focusing on.
Like, what, she's forty-three?
Is that how old she is?
I think she is.
Damn, I didn't know she was that.
I thought she was, like, right at forty,
like, forty-one.
But, damn.
Well, but still,
when you start having children and shit,
man, like,
your priorities start changing.
And she accomplished so much.
She's done everything from UConn.
You got high school.
You got UConn.
You got the league.
The Olympics.
I mean,
what the hell else is it for her
and LeBron to do at forty?
Take your ass home.
Her and LeBron,
they the old motherfuckers in the club.
Hey, go home, old niggas.
Fuck y'all.
Hang with us for it.
color answers all man
they're coming they're
coming to um friday night
lights at the high school
and like y'all still here
why are y'all coming here
bro why are you here go
home dog imagine brownie
brownie trying to go to the
club now I gotta bring my
daddy my teammate all right
what are you stealing the
league for so man but shout
out to dt man so we don't
know that you're true I go
wood yeah and tiger woods
man stop man y'all done
y'all y'all accomplished everything
So, but I do think it's, I think,
I think Bron and DT giving
us one more each season.
So, um, yes, it's a rabbit.
He definitely next year is
his last season for sure.
Um, but man, if DT does retire,
it's going to be her last season.
Make sure y'all go out and
watch her play for sure.
I mean,
it's going to probably be hail this
year to get tickets for the W, but,
Try to give her some packages,
see if Phoenix can be in that package,
and, you know, that saves you some money,
but it's going to be hard.
Honestly, like,
if DT announced it is her
last year before the season,
you know them prices are about to go up.
Yeah, they are,
especially when she comes to town.
them Phoenix games are going to be
crazy when they come to town for sure.
Man, what do you think, real quick,
I got a couple more.
We're about AT, man.
You think Alyssa Thomas is
going to stay in Connecticut?
I don't know honestly I mean
they they just hired their
new coach um I was there it
seemed like you know it
seemed like he's on a good
page as far as really
trying to help build that
team but I don't know
connecticut is just it's
it's really tough to see
honestly I mean I saw
people like saying that
they could explore like
other things but obviously
if at is going to be going
to one is going to like
that's that's my prediction
yeah yeah so it was both of
them you know that's
definitely a big loss honestly but
really just all depends
honestly I mean I'll say
more than not they'll
probably stay but I still
question you know where I
mean israel because
connecticut actually had a
really good year last year
you know they got up to a
really hot start last year
to begin the season but I
still just don't have them
like ahead of new york or
vegas honestly so no no
seriously I'm with you on
that oh yeah yeah yeah um man before
It's always some shit in the
women's hoops community, man.
Before we even move on.
I already know what you're talking about.
Man, this Kennedy Carter shit is crazy,
I don't even know what happened.
Make your layups, man.
She wasn't even talking crazy.
Just make your layups, man.
It goes into some extra shit, bro.
People shading her and shit.
Oh, man.
Like, what y'all take on this shit, man?
I had to start reading on this shit, man.
I just know she was talking about them.
It shouldn't even got this far.
It shouldn't even got this far.
You see all this stuff, Wally?
What you take on this, man?
I mean, I saw a little bit.
Like, it came across my timeline.
I haven't been on.
I've been busy today.
So, the little bit I did.
Look, the little bit I did see.
Like you said, to me, it wasn't no shade.
Like, she...
She made her statement.
The statement is... It's a
factual statement.
Hey, make your fucking layups.
That's it.
You got to worry about your layups, man.
What the fuck is going on?
that's somebody that she's hooped with.
Like, in the trenches with.
So what she...
So was she particularly
talking about Angel or was
she just talking about just
players in the league
overall that was just missing late?
I think last night she was
just talking about last
night and Angel didn't even
play last night.
Right, I was going to say,
because if that's the case,
you can take that statement
and put it to the entire
league for that part because, again,
the game last night, what, three,
four smoke layups back to back to back?
they missed like seven shots in one
Oh, my God.
Like, it was bad.
Like, you know what I'm saying?
So, like, all that shit about,
I think it's just more so, like,
I feel like Kennedy has always had,
I mean, it's Kennedy Carter.
It's been that drama,
the stuff she had with
Caitlyn Clark last year.
So that shit just boils over.
And, like, but hit dogs holler, man.
Every time, like.
she's talking about layups.
She didn't say nobody's name.
We all watching the same thing.
You think she's not watching
Unrivaled like we are?
Like, come on now.
everybody in the world seeing all
them missed layups.
Everybody in the world was
seeing that shit last night.
We saw it.
It'll come back up during the season,
during the next, the incoming season.
Trust me.
It's going to come back up.
And it's not just going to be her.
It's going to be the rest of the league.
And I want to hear what
people are going to have to say then.
That is.
What you think, Nick?
I was about to ask you, man.
I don't know where she's going next year,
man, at all.
I don't know.
But this whole situation, I didn't really
dive into it too much,
but people just shut up, honestly.
Everybody just got something to say.
I'm not talking about Kennedy.
I'm talking about everybody
attacking Kennedy.
She has a right to express how she feels.
If she's watching the game
and she sees something she don't like,
she can do just like us.
If we see something we don't like,
we're going to talk about it.
so she has the right to play
basketball she knows what
she's talking about right
exactly overseas now
getting buckets overseas
that's what I'm saying like
I saw I saw I saw one of
these guys man and I'll be
real he's a he's like a
youtuber I don't like this
guy man you know he was
talking about uh about
angel like you know about
how she like can't make
threes and all that I'm
like bro like like
Kennedy is one of, to me,
like one of the more
talented offensive players
in the league today.
Like I know that her name
category is like others, honestly.
But when you look at what
she was able to do last year in Chicago,
to me,
I think she was like one of the top
ten best offensive players in the game.
And her game is honestly like expanded too,
honestly, when you look at it.
I mean,
she's a better playmaker than what
she was to the league.
She's also gotten better on
defense as well.
So, I mean,
I know that there's been rumblings about,
you know,
drama locker room drama
stuff like that you know
with kennedy and everything
but you can't deny like
what she does on the court
honestly kennedy's one of
the most talented players
in the league if you ask me
honestly so whether it's in
chicago this upcoming year
whether somewhere else best
believe with the right
opportunity kennedy's going
to produce just as she did
this last year when she
played in chicago yeah can
before we move on can
chicago still resign her if
they wanted to
They didn't do the qualifying offer,
but can they still double
back and go grab her if they wanted to?
I don't know how that works.
I don't know, honestly.
That relationship might be dead,
to be honest.
I think what people don't realize,
Angel and Kennedy were both
very close to Teaspoon.
Yes, they were.
That was the reason why she
got to Chicago.
Teaspoon signed her to a
training camp contract,
and then she ended up making the roster.
So it might be a different
situation now with Tyler there.
I don't know if she's talked
to Tyler Marsh ever since
he got hired or anything, but who knows,
I mean, they saying Tyler won't shoot her,
so we're going to see, man.
But you definitely need guards.
You definitely need guards,
and they should be able to shoot.
But I would love to have
Kennedy back here in Chicago, man.
But I don't know what
direction we're going in.
We're just going to see.
But, man, before we do move on,
Just stop.
Let these people say what they want to say,
If we can critique and we're
not in the pros,
let them critique and be in the pros.
Ain't no shot at nobody, man.
Honestly, even if it was directed at Angel,
I'm sure she's probably
told Angel that probably a
couple times in practice.
Who knows?
Make your goddamn layups, man.
What the fuck are you doing?
That's what I was saying.
They have that relationship.
They've been in the trenches.
if anybody can say something to the
damn Angel, it should be Kennedy.
and I'm pretty sure Kennedy probably
got Angel's number.
She's not going to be on Twitter talking,
because from what I can see,
they never had no beef.
So, it's like,
I don't feel like she would have been,
and Kennedy seemed like she
was the type of person,
she would just probably say Angel's name.
Yeah, probably, yeah.
You know what I'm saying?
Like, that's her energy.
I feel like that's her personality anyway.
So, like, man, I know she's like,
I got to be arguing about some shit.
I'm the one who's a pro in this shit.
Y'all talking to me about this bullshit.
But, man, hopefully she gets somewhere,
gets another chance
somewhere in the league, man,
because she can't hoop like Nick said.
And she definitely, she's good.
I'm disappointed we're not going to
bring her back.
But shout out to her,
and she's going to land somewhere.
And I forget the name of her team overseas,
but she is hooping.
He is definitely open for sure.
On to this college stuff, man.
College has been... Since
Unrivaled came out, Nick said it today,
I've been watching it,
but I've been really ready for Unrivaled.
You got Unrivaled game and
there's a college.
If we're not doing playback,
I'm going to have both up.
You know what I'm saying?
We really want to know what's going on,
There's a lot of shit going
on in college this week,
but before we get there,
I know if you follow me,
I covered the USC-Indiana game.
First of all, before I get into that, man,
shoot your shot.
Whatever your dream is,
whatever you're doing,
whatever you're building, man,
shoot your shot.
You're going to miss.
People are going to say no.
That shit is going to happen,
especially when you're
building that shit the right way,
brick by brick.
But you're going to get some yeses.
So I did that.
That's how I ended up getting to Indiana.
I shot them an email.
They got it back to me fast.
And I didn't think it was
going to happen because it was Juju.
That was USC first time
going to Assembly Hall because, of course,
they're not in the Big Ten and shit.
So I was...
shocked to even get that but
I forgot that that shit was
three and a half hours away
so that made it just an
adventure in itself but I
was gonna make it happen so
I made that shit happen man
but um it was like
It was beautiful because a
lot of people don't know,
I am an Isaiah Thomas fan.
He went to Indiana.
And just the fact that going
there... And I like when I work games,
this is my first time being
a journalist at the game.
I'm always a photographer.
But anytime I'm working a game,
I get there early.
I want to take the shit in.
I want to take the court in, the field,
whatever it is.
Go into the tunnels,
take pictures and stuff, walk around.
You meet people.
You get to network and stuff like that.
I got there early, man.
I got to experience that on
the floor and just take that shit in.
It was just like surreal,
like Assembly Hall.
You see it all the time.
Like you watch these games.
And now I'm here covering this game.
And one of my favorite
players in the game of
hoops is here tonight.
And it was like it was empty.
It was people lined up.
I got to the stadium like at nine thirty.
There's people lined up
there outside already.
It was cold as hell outside,
but it was lined up.
I got in there, got my stuff.
You could just feel it.
You know USC is in town, right?
But it's like no one has seen her yet.
No one ain't seen her.
The bus ain't pulled up yet
and nothing like that.
But then the crowd start
pulling up in there.
seen the juju shirts little
girls got juju jerseys on
you feel the energy you
feel the buzz like no one
ain't seen her yet though
you know what I'm saying
but I got this I got this
story I had a moment with
juju um in the tunnel and
it's it's these photos
right here I'm gonna show
y'all these photos this is
the story here so I'm doing
my thing I got my
photography hat on at this
point so I'm going around I'm getting uh
Shots of the stadium.
And I'm in a tunnel.
So the tunnel she's coming out is her side,
where they come, their locker room,
everything like that.
So the shot of the
basketballs is not too far
from their locker room.
So I was just walking back there.
I took photos of this.
The young lady behind Juju
in that photo came out first,
and then Juju came out.
I'm right there.
So I can see them walking out.
I speak.
She spoke.
You know what I'm saying?
I said, what up, yada, yada.
Tell her about having a good game,
all that.
told her my name, all that shit.
So as we walking, I'm like, oh shit,
my photography hat is still on.
So I'm walking out.
I ran out of there with them,
the two ladies, with Juju and the lady.
I ran out to set up so I
could get this shot of her walking out.
And then I could have easily got,
and I always think,
I never ask for autographs
when I work and doing media
because it's like, man, they working,
I'm working,
but I never think about that shit,
trying to get photos with people.
But it was like, I think it was funny that,
this is a funny ass story.
I took this photo of these basketballs.
Juju walked out.
She's right there.
And she's tall.
She's six two.
If anybody, she's legit six two.
But it was just that it was
like a surreal moment.
And I caught this moment and
she looked up at his girls,
the little girls.
They scream her name and she walked out.
And when she walked out,
it was like it was the
first time everybody in the
building saw her.
The energy went up like ten notches.
You felt it.
It was like, oh, shit.
It was like this big Jew was
in the building.
She came out.
She was the first one.
You had some of the Indiana
players on the court right there,
but she went to her side.
She was the first one for USC to come out.
Yo, let me tell you something.
You just felt it was like, oh, yeah.
And it was like everybody
went to that side when she
was shooting around and
everybody else came out.
Like Kennedy came out and
everybody came out.
But she was going through
her drills and just seeing
her go through her drills.
And she was locked in.
You know what I'm saying?
And then after that,
she went and did her
autographs before she went back in.
But the experience was nice, man.
I feel like anybody who's a Hoops fan,
you can get to Indiana to
check a game out.
to do so um but I enjoyed it
I got to I got to interview
her this is my first time
ever asking a question and
I want to shout out nick
low and k dot man because
listen I've asked them all
questions I've all listened
to them ask questions even
when we have guests on our
show I've listened to them
I listened to their their
their pods and they've had
guests on so it's like
I've asked them privately about things.
So it's shout out to y'all that I even,
it was like, I want to say I was nervous.
Cause I'm a very personal person.
I can talk to anybody.
I ain't like met a stranger,
but it was like,
I don't want to fuck this up, man.
I'm going to ask you this question.
She's looking dead at me.
Like, like,
I just didn't talk to her
early in the tunnel.
You know what I'm saying?
But it was like, now this can be anywhere.
I got to answer this question.
She gave me a real answer.
And then the rest of the
press room piggybacked off my question.
I basically asked her how
she got her shit going.
she was kind of clamped up in the
first half.
She only had eight points.
And then she ended up with twenty-two.
But it was like,
just to see it in action is like,
I can tell Juju has improved.
Because she couldn't score.
She only had eight.
But she was playing defense.
She was making the right passes.
She was doing everything she needed to do,
and she let the game get to her.
when that five-minute mark got in the
fourth quarter,
when she hit the
three-pointer at the end of the third,
and she let the game get to her, man,
the last five minutes was her game.
She could do what she wanted to do.
She could get to the lane.
She could get her middie going.
She could get everything.
So it was just amazing to
see that she was alive.
And for her to only be, like, what,
It was a dream come true, for real.
It was like, this is what I worked for.
This is what I wanted to do.
I wanted to start being a journalist.
And this is why I started
this pod and doing this stuff.
So it all came together.
So I say,
shoot your shot and keep shooting it.
Because people are going to say no,
but it was just, it was fun.
And I could have easily been like, man,
I'm not going to drive no
three and a half hours.
Fuck that.
I did that shit.
So it was fun, man.
It was exciting.
I'm going to see Juju again at some point.
I'm going to keep asking for
requests and access for sure.
I'm just waiting on my turn
to see her now.
You've seen her.
Lo has seen her.
I've both had a chance to talk to her.
I ain't seen her yet.
I ain't never had a
conversation with Juju at all.
So I'm waiting on my turn, man.
Oh, man.
That shit is amazing, man.
Like, you can feel it.
it's like it's like one of
those like the top players
you can feel that energy
like everybody's level is
going to be heightened
today like everybody
brought their phones out
everybody was just like oh
my gosh she's right here
she's here now you know I
mean I keep telling people
like she's the next star of
women's basketball if she's
not there already I mean I
know that caitlyn's
probably the biggest
superstar right now but
you're just right we're
gonna be right there
honestly especially once
her once her college career
is done and she goes straight to the wmba
Man, like, she's, you could just,
and I was just talking to parents,
like fathers bringing their daughters.
I mean, I did, I had a moment, man,
I ain't going to keep too long on this.
We got other shit to talk about.
But I had a moment where
before Juju came out, the tunnel,
it was some girls looking
for who wanted her autograph.
And it was like between the
age of fourteen and sixteen.
And after the game, I knew, like,
after the game, after the presser,
I knew where they would be
going for the bus.
So these girls was back there,
that same tunnel,
trying to get her autograph.
When I came from the other side,
from the press room, I was like,
they were still looking for them.
I'm like, listen,
their bus is on the other side.
That's where y'all going to try to go.
She's going to come out over
there and try to get the autograph.
And, man,
they end up getting a damn autograph.
That shit felt good because
I was on the court talking to people,
everybody packing up, and they came out.
I did the excitement on
their face because I knew
the only reason they was in
this game was for Juju.
They wanted to see her and
they wanted to meet her.
They had their sharpie.
They had their picture ready.
So that felt good to do that.
I just wanted to help them out.
It wasn't like I'm trying to
get some shit in return.
Like, this is what I want.
Like, you want to help out people.
When this was all about, like,
he just wanted to see these people.
Yeah, they're not supposed to be, you know,
they're not supposed to be role models.
But listen, you look up to athletes, man.
We all did growing up.
We all did.
So it felt good for me to
help them young ladies out
to get Juju autographed.
They'll never forget that shit.
They were smiling from ear to ear.
That's a different moment for them.
Yeah, dead ass, you know what I'm saying?
And I'm glad I got some photos.
I took a juju I can hang up
at my house now.
That shit might work,
you know what I'm saying?
But, yeah, man,
let's get into these games.
Man, that shit was fun.
I ain't going to hold you.
I could talk about that shit all day.
I could keep talking about it.
It was so much shit that I
experienced on Sunday.
But let's talk about this LSU thing.
South Carolina matchup we
got going on on Thursday, man,
which we will be live on Playback for.
Everybody pulled up and
started mentioning as soon
as we started the pod.
So if you're still in here,
you wanted to hear about this game,
we're talking about it now.
I know Felicia,
I know you a South Carolina fan, but man,
it's been some crazy shit
already on Twitter about this game, man.
I forget the name of this Twitter page,
but it's the worst women's hoops.
Forget it.
That's the worst hoops page on Twitter.
I sent it to y'all earlier.
I can't remember what it is.
He's the one that was
comparing LSU and South Carolina to Duke.
Yes, man.
You both have to win games.
You both have to win games, man.
That's like the Bears-Packers.
We don't beat them.
That's not a rivalry no more, man.
We don't beat them, dude.
You got to go back and forth
for it to be a rivalry.
Angel Reese was there for
two years and never won a
game against South Carolina.
Just being real.
The year they won the
national championship,
they didn't even beat them.
The page is ninety-four feet WBB.
If you see anything about that, man,
that's one of the worst
pages on Twitter when it comes to hoops.
When it comes to hoops.
Oh, my God.
I'm surprised I didn't get blocked.
I definitely said that.
I quote tweeted him and said that shit.
I'm surprised I didn't get
blocked for that.
But, man,
how y'all feel about this matchup?
I'm going to go with you, Wally.
How you feel about this
matchup on Thursday?
I can't wait because especially with the,
with the discourse that LSU
fans have been giving y'all
before I even became a part of this.
Oh my God.
That's what I was going to say too.
Yo, for all the LSU haters, bro,
come tap in with us on playback, man.
But, you know, to see it,
to see it from the outside
looking at it and now being on the inside,
I'm interested to see how
this is going to play out.
I think South Carolina is
the best team in the country.
Even with that loss to UCLA.
We're going to talk about them too.
That showed Don Staley what
she needed to work on with her team.
They have not looked back since.
They've been blowing teams out
Even the best teams,
they made Texas look like
they didn't know what they were doing.
They made your team look
like they shouldn't even be ranked, bro.
For real.
And we all thought that
Texas was a decent team,
and they went and fucking
put the clamps on Texas.
They did.
They did.
And now we get to LSU,
and for a majority of LSU's schedule,
again, you guys made it known, and hell,
we all could see it.
Hey, y'all ain't played nobody.
Y'all wasn't playing nobody
early in the season.
Compared to South Carolina,
y'all wasn't playing nobody.
And we're struggling.
And we're struggling.
and I have South Carolina beating LSU
yet again.
and it's on the strength of
they're already
battle-tested from all your top teams.
They're already battle-tested.
So whatever Kim Mulkey is
going to try and throw at them,
I don't think it's going to matter.
She's going to get outcoached yet again,
and we're going to see what happens.
We're going to see what happens.
What you got to say, Nick?
What you got, Nick, laughing?
What you got, Nick?
I agree.
I think South Carolina
beating the shit out of them.
I'm just going to be real.
I don't think it's going to be close
on it.
It's like everything Wiley said.
I mean,
I don't think they're ready for
this type of matchup.
I mean, I get it.
They're undefeated.
You know what I'm saying?
I mean, it looks good.
It looks good on the record
and everything.
But when you look at the
level of competition,
it hasn't been up to par.
I mean, you know, I mean,
SEC plays been a little bit different.
Um, they were able to get that,
that big one against Tennessee.
I think they,
I think they won by like two
or three points.
South Carolina is a different beast.
While they talked about it,
since that loss against UCLA,
that motivated them.
I think they needed that loss, honestly,
because there's so much pressure.
At the time, they won like forty-three,
forty-four in a row.
It's pressure to continue to keep winning.
Now everybody's looking at you like,
oh my God,
are they going to keep winning?
Are they going to stay
undefeated and everything?
Finally getting that loss out of the way,
I know that people wanted
to clown them after that loss.
Give credit to UCLA.
They're a very exceptional team, but
I knew after that loss, I was like, yeah,
South Carolina is going to
come back even better.
They've been better ever since.
It's crazy, too,
because even a couple weeks ago,
we were talking, Jay,
about them losing Ashlyn Watkins.
I think, dang,
how are they going to match
up a lot of these teams?
Especially with big front courts.
They beat the shit out of Texas.
They just beat the shit out of Oklahoma.
They're about to play LSU.
Don't get me wrong.
Anissa Ma is having a really
great year for them.
I would definitely give her her credit,
I think Don's going to have
a great game plan for them.
I think they're going to
really try to slow down the offense.
I mean, like I said, Nisa Morrow,
Mikayla Williams, Flage Johnson, you know,
all of them, all three of them, you know,
can, you know,
provide on the offensive end.
But I think Don's going to
have a game plan, honestly, man.
And, you know,
expect a big game out of Tahina Pau Pau,
expect a big game out of
Malaysia Fulwiley, Tessa Johnson.
South Carolina is going to
obliterate them.
That's my opinion.
Do you think it's going to
be about between,
do you think they're going
to double them?
Oh, yeah.
I'm going there.
I might be wrong because I
ain't going to lie.
I'll be wrong with the predictions,
but I'm going to stick with mine.
I do think South Carolina is going to
I had South Carolina win by
like fifteen or something like that,
but thirty is crazy, but I'm with you,
I ain't playing nobody.
I got them at like twenty.
And it's going to be... I
feel like it's going to be where...
South Carolina,
they're just going to walk.
It's like they're going to
walk them through.
It's like football.
So when you have an
offensive team that's
running the ball and they
get to control in that line,
that offensive line get control,
that's how it's going to be.
They're just going to overbear them.
from quarter to quarter to
the point where by the time
we get to the fourth quarter,
we're going to look at,
we're going to look and be like,
they're up by twenty or twenty plus.
They got too much to throw at them.
But I'll say this too though, like,
if they want to make it a
respectable margin, LSU I'm talking about,
you got to keep it within
single digits at the end of
the first half.
Like, if you let them go up by like,
even like twelve, thirteen points,
they're going to come out
in the third quarter and
they're going to fire, right?
Because like,
South Carolina's a really
good third quarter team.
They're a really good third quarter team.
And I don't – yeah, Jazzy said it too.
I mean,
I don't think people talk about
that enough.
It's like they get a lot of
momentum to end the first half,
and then they come out of
the locker room with just a
different energy.
That third quarter,
that third quarter blitz, boy.
You don't know what the fuck going on.
You look up, you down by twenty-five.
You're like, what?
That's how it was with the
Warriors and shit.
You come up, like, what the fuck?
I was just down by five.
Like, oh, shit,
we got to get time out there.
South Carolina is a different team
right now.
do y'all actually think they should be
number one in the country?
Yes, I do.
I do, personally.
the way that they played since that loss.
I think it's time.
The way that they played
since taking that loss to UCLA, to me,
it's a no-brainer.
It definitely is no-brainer
because South Carolina,
they are ranked number one.
They just ain't been looking
the best as number one.
Like, yeah, you beat South Carolina,
and I guess that's why you
got the nod at one.
But I'm okay with putting
South Carolina back at one
with the one loss to UCLA.
I'm okay with that.
Yeah, they won't do it, unfortunately.
But also, I mean,
you look at the late-one competition,
South Carolina's played tougher
competition recently than UCLA has,
They played Baylor.
I know Baylor was ranked
twenty twenty five.
But you talk about South
Carolina playing Texas, playing Oklahoma.
They about to play LSU when
that was your competition.
And even honestly, before that, too,
I mean,
they played they played Iowa State.
They beat them.
They face a couple of the
teams to like Duke.
Like Duke was like top ten
at the time whenever they beat Duke.
They were.
They were.
And TCU as well.
TCU was top ten as well.
They were.
And I think they still top ten.
Number nine still.
I mean, but that's what I'm saying.
I mean,
I know that they have that one loss.
I mean,
when you look at how well South
Carolina has played since that UCLA game,
to me,
they've been playing much better
they have they really have
um I didn't watch a lot of
the ucla I mean I had it on
but I wasn't like really
locked in with the ucla
baylor game it just never
felt like ucla was being
challenged so it was just
you know I'm saying but I
will ask you this though
how y'all feel about lauren
betts she's probably going
with national player of the
year I mean she's just
playing just phenomenal
basketball on both ends of
the floor honestly I mean
you know I think I think
that's really what she
needed like I think that um
I think that, you know,
they needed to utilize her a lot more,
especially on a low block.
And I think that she's been able to eat,
I mean, not even just offensively,
but defensively as well.
I mean,
I want to say she's averaging
around a double-double,
but she's just been
dominating both from a
scoring perspective and a
rebound perspective.
And it's been consistent all year long,
And on top of that, I mean,
they're still undefeated.
So, I mean,
like when you look at her
numbers and then you look
at UCLA still being number
one in the country,
I think she's probably
going to come away with the
National Player of the Year, honestly.
It may not be everybody's favorite.
I'm sure people,
they'll probably
automatically go Juju or honestly,
I should take that back.
My bad.
No, I'm not going Lauren Betts.
Change my mind.
I'm going to hand that dog
over to my player.
I was about to say, man,
you ain't even said hand yet, boy.
Oh, my God.
I thought about it.
I was like, hang on a minute.
Wait, I didn't even think about it.
Yeah, I'm about to say.
I'm like, oh, shit, boy.
Betts is going to be, I mean,
she's going to definitely
be in the running.
She's the reason.
She's definitely in the conversation.
she's doing twenty ten and like
almost three blocks a game.
And we'll we'll get to see
we'll really get to see
them being battle tested as
their next one, two, three, four, five,
six, seven games.
They play one, two, three.
USC twice.
One, two, three.
four, five-ranked teams.
They got Maryland, who's number eight,
Minnesota, twenty-three, Ohio State,
that's twelve, USC, who's four,
and then Michigan State,
who's twenty-one.
They got USC twice, too, in that span,
don't they?
Because they ain't played until yet.
They got USC on February thirteenth,
and then again on March first.
Oh, shit.
So one of them games,
there's going to be a playback.
Definitely going to do one of them games.
Definitely going to be a
playback for sure.
Definitely going to be a
playback for sure.
We'll get to see what not
only UCLA is made of,
but how Lauren bets.
That's what I was going to ask, too.
do y'all think that USC is prepared
to match up with a team
like UCLA at this point?
I mean, I'll give it to them.
I mean,
they've definitely improved
throughout the season.
But, I mean,
there's still some issues with the team,
honestly, especially, you know,
finishing around the rim, honestly.
And then, of course, no turnovers as well.
But I don't know.
I mean, that'll be a good test for them,
It will be.
I will say this.
I will say,
after seeing them Sunday in person,
they are very fucking fast.
They are very fast.
And it's like,
if you don't prepare for that,
it's like you don't know
what to do because everybody's so fast,
and they're very tall.
They're a lot taller than
what they look like on TV.
Everybody is, you know what I'm saying?
Like, from Juju to Kennedy.
Like I said on playback, like, she...
She likes six, one, six, two, but she,
she got beast on both sides.
So it's going to be a test
for both of them.
You know what I'm saying?
And the big tan is just, the big tan is a,
it's a deep, it's a deep,
deep conference as well.
So we will see.
That's a,
that's a tough stretch for them
from the play.
You know,
they got an easy one with Rutgers
tomorrow, UCLA,
then Maryland and Minnesota.
That is crazy.
Maryland, Minnesota, Ohio state,
like in that next four,
you think they're going to
lose one of them games?
Who are they going to lose to?
I got them losing to
Maryland because that's a
Sunday game in Maryland at one o'clock.
Even though they travel
across the country first,
they play against – they play Rutgers –
that Thursday,
and then they played
Maryland that Sunday.
But still, that travel, that travel sucks,
Like, I even saw it on USC on Sunday.
Like, in that first half,
you could tell they back on
another East Coast trip or, you know,
to come this way,
Midwest East Coast trip.
It's like you could see the travel.
And Pac-Tan team's not used to that.
You know what I'm saying?
I think – I don't understand why these –
I don't understand why these
teams in the West are
joining teams or
conferences that are on the East.
It just doesn't make sense to me.
I get it for money purposes.
I get it for Pac-Twelve
because Big Ten got more
exposure than the Pac-Twelve, but, man,
it sucks for the kids.
The travel just sucks.
You know what I'm saying?
And they stay.
I talked – Coach, what's her name?
Coach Gottlieb, like,
they just stay because they got to play –
They got to pay Purdue on tomorrow.
So they just stayed out there.
They flew out there like Saturday.
And they just out there now.
So it was like, damn,
they ain't used to that shit.
It's cold as fuck, too.
You know what I'm saying?
It makes sense.
Because, I mean, that travel.
Hell, traveling is wear and tear.
It is.
It definitely is.
That's something that people
don't think about.
they don't, they don't,
they definitely don't think
about that shit.
And that's the first thing I
thought about when I saw
these schools going to the,
to the big team.
And I'm like, God damn,
you going over there.
All right.
So, um,
but I know like somebody tend to
keep having a couple,
cause you got to have a couple of them,
road trips to the east coast
when you got all these
teams in the big ten that's
over there that shouldn't
even be in the big ten but
money when money come call
hollering I understand so
um I get it so um man we
already we rocking the road
we already already an hour
thirty I knew it was gonna
be a long one but um real
quick into the top twenty
five when we move on and
get up out of here man uh
I'm sorry we ain't been
keeping up on our
top-twenty-five rankings for y'all, man.
It just ain't been – it's
hard when there ain't no
real movement for me all the time.
people who stay up to beat with the
top-twenty-five rankings
and write on this shit every week, man,
more power to y'all for doing that shit.
But, man, real quick,
the top – I'm going to do a
top ten right now is UCLA –
At one, South Carolina, Notre Dame, USC,
LSU, UConn at six.
Seven is Texas, Maryland, TCU,
and Kansas State round out
of the top ten.
Yo, Kansas State.
Man, I haven't watched it.
I ain't going to lie, man.
Big twelve basketball just ain't my thing.
I ain't going to hold it.
Especially not since Texas
ain't there no more.
It's a good conference.
It's not as strong as like
the SEC or the Big Ten or
the ACC or whatever it is.
No, I'm with you on that.
No, definitely.
It's just not as strong.
But that top ten, man,
that's pretty much – I can see that.
I mean,
Ohio State dropped because I think
they just lost to –
They just got upset,
so they fell out of the top ten,
but it's pretty much self.
There's no team that I'm like,
they shouldn't be there.
This team shouldn't be there.
LSU is crazy, but they're number five.
I think they're definitely going to drop.
They're going to lose that game.
I will say UConn,
ever since they lost to USC,
no one's really been
talking about them as much,
but they're definitely –
they're still a good team, of course.
Anything that stands out to
you all about top-twenty-five?
I don't know.
How y'all feel about Maryland, honestly?
Because, I mean,
I think some news that came
out that they just lost.
Who was it?
Cheyenne Sellers that got hurt?
I think that was.
Oh, she definitely got hurt yesterday.
They got the doors blown off
by Texas yesterday.
And then she definitely got hurt.
So, damn,
I ain't know that she's going to be out.
So, that really sucks for them.
I mean, because this AP poll came out,
I want to say, before that game.
So, yeah,
they're definitely going to drop
after this week.
Shout out to Kansas State.
Ioka Lee still playing at a
very high level out there.
Shout out to Kansas State.
LSU, I agree.
After Thursday,
they're definitely going to drop,
especially losing their
first game of the year.
Just looking at the overall
top twenty five.
I mean, I see Duke still at fourteen.
Oklahoma is now fifteen.
Oh, my God.
Why the fuck is NC?
Why the fuck is NC State
twenty at fourteen and four?
What is going on?
Did Tennessee lose?
to Vandy before the rankings came out.
Yeah, because that game was on Sunday.
Yeah, because I did not expect that.
And shout out to Vanderbilt,
both men and women,
because they both beat Tennessee.
They definitely did.
They did.
They did.
Who got hurt?
Oh, yeah, she did.
I didn't know that, man.
She really one of the best
bigs in the country, honestly.
I mean, healthy.
Yeah, I
I had no idea she got hurt.
Oh, shit.
Oh, wow.
But yeah, outside of NC State,
I didn't realize they were
still ranked having four losses.
In front of... They're
better than... I mean,
they're not better than... Who?
Seventeen and two?
seventeen and two and they're
ranked twenty three.
Oh, yeah.
That shocked me, too.
Yeah, that shocked that shocked me.
Like you got you have you
have NC State in front of teams like Cal.
I mean, I know Cal just lost.
They dropped four spots.
But you got in front of Cal, Minnesota.
Like what is going on?
I don't I don't understand that.
But I know I know cry too
much about that far back in
the top twenty five.
It is what it is at that point.
Y'all got a player of the week.
um I'm gonna go scholar
diggin smith man you know
two game winners to the
first two games for the
lunar owl especially that
first game to kick off the
unrivaled league man shout
out to scholar man you know
glad that she's back
definitely that back and
forth that she had with
jewel was impressive too
even though jewel got that
block on her but hey she
got the final she got the last so
Shout out to Scotland.
That shit happens, man.
That's hoops, man.
And real quick,
I've been seeing y'all be –
people be talking about
that shit on Twitter, man.
Look, if you play hoops long enough,
you're going to get dunked on.
You're going to get blocked.
You're going to get – you
might touch the ground a couple times.
If you play basketball long enough,
you're going to have a
basket scored on you.
So, I don't care, man.
Yeah, she blocked it.
That happens in battle.
That happens.
You're going to lose some
shit when you're in a battle like this.
It was great to see.
We love that type of shit.
So shout out to Skylar, man.
Shout out to Skylar for sure.
You got a player of the week, Wiley?
I do.
Miss Harmony Turner.
Excuse me.
Harmony Turner.
Harvard's own.
So it stands out to me for her.
She's leading Harvard in
everything but blocks.
Points, rebounds, assists, steals.
Twenty-one points.
Five point three rebounds,
three point six assists,
three point four steals.
Like she's doing it all for
for Harvard and and their records.
Their record is fourteen and two.
I would love to see them
make the tournament.
So keep doing your thing.
Keep doing your thing, Miss Turner.
Like that's dope to see it
like she's come up in Harvard.
And she's at Harvard.
She's come up on my timeline
on Twitter like two or
three times and I'm like, oh yeah,
gotta show her some love.
No, yeah, she definitely, she definitely,
those are good player of the week.
Mine is, I'm gonna go with Kennedy Smith,
After watching her live,
and Lo always said she was
one of them ones, but watching her live,
and I made sure I focused on her a lot,
is that her height and her
size shocked me in person.
But then just to see the moves she had,
she had some moves in her, man.
She grabbed one ball on the baseline.
She grabbed a rebound.
Came down with it, did a spin,
went back up with it.
She had one move when she got to the lane.
She did some spin moves.
And she got handles because
there was bracketing and
juju so much that she had to do stuff.
So she was showing everything.
She was showing everything.
She missed some shots.
That shit happens, but she can shoot.
She's a men's zone defense.
Yeah, Hannah is that one,
a men's zone defense.
But if you had to go for another one,
Kenny is next.
Kenny had them,
and she had them in a fucking blender,
Like, she didn't know what,
they were just stuck.
They didn't know what to do.
Like, she was just all over the place,
just active hands.
So, man, that's my player of the week,
She really, she really,
outside of the big dogs,
that's my favorite player
to watch in college basketball right now,
for sure.
Pull up that comment, bro.
Pull up that question.
I was trying to hold my laugh.
Oh, shit.
I didn't even see that, yo.
I was wondering what y'all
was laughing at.
Oh, I had a little THC.
I don't even know who... I
don't even know who's on her team.
I don't even know when that
team... I'm picking Cheryl
Miller because Cheryl
Miller's team because of Cheryl Miller.
We know... Yeah, seriously.
You put Ray March on Cheryl Miller?
Yeah, last year, you know what I'm saying?
Last year,
USC team probably had a better
chance for some reason,
but then this team, like,
they wasn't missing lays and shit,
but still, like,
I don't know the players on
USC and this big Jew forever over here,
but, man, that's Shura Miller.
For real.
I'm just going to keep it safe,
and I'm going to say Shura
Miller's team because I
don't really need my
mentions blowing up for some bullshit.
Shut up.
That's my boy.
Shut up.
Well, when my man say hi, little TAC, man,
it's all good, bro.
What a way to end the show, man.
That was a hell of a question.
I wasn't expecting that shit at all.
Now, after we get on,
I definitely have to go
look at that team that Shermella was on.
Now I really have to go see now.
I don't know.
I got to see now, bro.
Or maybe she might be a little later.
We got to see now.
We're definitely going to
have to check now.
I'm going to check back.
Follow me on Twitter.
Y'all see my name.
I'm going to check back,
and I'm going to give y'all
my for real answer on Twitter for sure.
For sure.
It still might be Cheryl,
but I got to see that squad.
I'm going to find the squad.
I'm going to post the squads.
We're going to see what happens.
I know if I do this or that with that team,
I know it's going to be
some new Hooper fans that's
going to pick Juju's squad.
know that I know that for
for a show that's gonna
happen so oh man uh real
quick man man it's been a
great show man wally man
thank you for uh filling in
I know you're gonna do this
anytime we ask you man
you're gonna do it man it's
been it's been a joy doing
this I knew it was gonna
soon as low told us nick
was like man ask wally I
know you're gonna want to
do it man this is fun this
is really fun um
Real quick, before we get up out of here,
like I said,
we got playback going to be
happening on Thursday for
South Carolina LSU.
I think I'm going to just
play certain college games
or women games on playback,
even if we can't make it.
So Juju play Purdue tomorrow.
I might just throw that shit
up tomorrow because I think
it's going to be on Peacock.
Everybody ain't even got Peacock.
So I'm probably just going
to throw that shit up.
I think the game starts at
like six thirty or something like that.
um we got on arrival coming
back this on friday and
then saturday and so um
stay in tune for that
follow us and all follow us
everywhere on on the
socials um on tick tock the
best damn w show instagram
the best damn w show I do
believe is best damn w
Show underscore on Instagram.
Best damn W show or the best
W show on Twitter.
I'm going to give you all
the website again for the show as well.
Man, also, man,
show some love if y'all
like me and basketball.
I know some of y'all be on
our ass when we start
talking about me and basketball over here,
but if y'all do,
I'm going to put the other show,
The Network, in the chat as well.
Y'all can go check them out,
show them some love, follow them as well.
They go live on Thursday.
Wally is also...
the producer for that as
well on the ones and twos,
as Antoine would say.
And guess what?
We will have some crossover episodes where,
you know,
Nick might be over there sometimes.
You might see me over there talking.
I watch NBA as well.
So it's all intertwined.
So follow us everywhere.
Shout out to you, Nick, again.
Shout out to you, Wally, for this.
Man, that's episode twenty three.
Oh, go ahead.
Just real quick, Jay.
My bad.
So I'm looking at I'm
looking at the USC roster
from nineteen eighty three,
the year that they won the title.
They had Cheryl Miller, Cynthia Cooper,
Paula McGee and Pam McGee.
Oh, yeah.
I'm still I'm still I'm still post
this question.
I don't know if I'm doing
tonight or tomorrow.
I might do tonight.
But yeah,
I think I know who I'm going to go with.
Yeah, yeah.
I love Juju.
It's big Juju forever over here.
But, yeah, I don't know.
I don't know if you – I
don't know if Juju and
Kennedy and Kiki is going
to deal with Cynthia Cooper
and Cheryl Miller like that.
I don't know if that's going
to – I don't know how that will go.
Okay, real quick,
if it's a seven-game series, man,
who wins?
Cheryl Miller.
Cheryl Miller.
Is it going to be a sweep?
I think it's going to be.
It might be just one.
I'll give him one because
Juju might just go off in one game.
Juju might be good enough to get you one.
Outside of that, no.
outside of that that's I'm
with y'all on that but uh
man man appreciate y'all
again everybody who came
through all the new
listeners and future fans
that came in and the ones
that come in every week
from uh twitter uh
instagram when I didn't do
instagram twitter youtube
um we on twitch so
appreciate all y'all y'all
should do a retro versus
hey man you know what
I got some stuff I do forgot
to talk to the team about.
We definitely going to do some things.
I like that idea.
I do like that idea.
But, man, yeah,
shout out to everybody
being here the whole time, man.
So the show will be out
tonight on audio at twelve Eastern.
Eleventh Central.
The show will be on everywhere.
YouTube tomorrow morning at nine Eastern.
It might be nine Eastern,
depending on how I feel.
But until then, man, peace, man.
Love y'all.
Appreciate y'all.
Have a good one.
Good night.